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Penicillin g minor displacement of penicillins from plasma protein binding sites by highly protein bound drugs like digoxin will elevate the level of free penicillin in the serum.

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To be sure this medication is not causing harmful effectsyour blood may need to be tested on a regular basisYour kidney function may also need to be testedDo not miss any scheduled appointments.

Digoxin is one of several medications used to treat the symptoms of heart failureIt may also be prescribed if you have atrial fibrillationa common irregular heart rhythm

While taking this drugyour doctor may tell you to take and record your pulse dailyHe or she will tell you how rapid your pulse should beIf your pulse is slower than recommendedcontact your doctor about taking digoxin that dayKeep all appointments with your doctor and the laboratory so your response to the drug can be monitoredYou may have electrocardiogramsECGsand blood testsand your dose may be adjustedThis medication may cause drowsinessDo not drive a car or operate machinery until you know how this drug affects you.

This was a systematic review that searched for all relevant studies looking at the link between digoxin use and mortality riskThey pooled the results in a meta-analysis.

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